Thursday, 1 March 2012

Hidden Graphic Novels : Red Hood And The Outlaws Issue 6

Red Hood And The Outlaws #6 : Take Me Down To Paradise City Where The Sea Runs Red And The Girls Are Pretty

Plot by Scott Lobdell
Dialogue by Joshua Williamson
Art by Kenneth Rocafort
Colors by Blond
Letters by Dezi Sienty
Cover by Kenneth Rocafort and Blond
Assistant Editor Katie Kubert 
Editor Bobbie Chase 

This issue is the must have list for RHATO fans, Starfire Fans and most importantly Jason Todd Fans (since some or mostly of the pages are covered of images of Jason with barely no clothes...Some critics says it's a like a revenge on Issue 1 of Starfire who has barely no clothes on and does so for the male dominance. So, this is an interesting issue for the girls to enjoy). Speaking of revenge, this issue is tells about the beginning of RHATO and how it all started. It takes place 1 month before Issue 1 and answers a lot of questions that we all wondered...All of these pictures is from the internet since I don't have the book itself and finding one in my country (Malaysia) is like finding a needle in a hay stack....

Jason manages to escape (from nuclear explosion from a submarine under the sea and yet not crushed by the high pressure and the nuclear explosion !? Seem unrealistic maybe the helmet keeps him from high pressure but it's clearly broken but's a comic anyway....). Jason is saved (but naked) and aided by extraterrestrial technology (which you don't have to be a genius to figure it out who helped him.)           

Jason dreaming of his old past about his days as Robin and Dick Grayson/Nightwing/previous and original Robin. (The Discowing totally annoys me probably as much as I annoyed by one of Dick's baddest fashion moments ....Mullets)

 Starfire began recalling her memories of her past lover Dick Grayson/Robin the first/Nightwing...which states she still remembers him....

Even with his burst of energy, Jason is still weak, tired and weary. He just beat a bunch of bad guys in a submarine full of nuclear stuffs under the sea. Can't blame him...(His tired face looks really adorable)        

Jason finally wakes up and Starfire gives the tour of her spaceship (His introduction just cracks me up...XP)

This page is really hard not to love ! We got a curious and non-stop babbling Jason who's asking a lot of question about Starfire's ship which amazes him since he never encounter and alien before and we got Starfire wearing an absolutely gorgeous short white dress which fits her so good and top up with beautiful tropical flowers on her red hair like a tropical jungle princess. I really like this look on her ! (Which explains why she used to be a fashion model.) 

 Jason surprised by Discowing . For bad fashion ? No, but wondering why Dick's suits end up in Strafire's spaceship...

Starfire explains in such a great and poetic way. Stating that she has wonderful memories of Dick even though she doesn't remember his name but she doesn't wish to throw his clothes away. Which states she still loves him and wish to see him someday. The man she have been with and clothes he wore does not define her and so does Jason too for the clothes he wear.What so great about is that, we always knew Starfire and her story because she was Dick ex-lover and this scenes tells that she is who she is and that what defines her and the man she have been with does not define her existence which obviously what we always define her and thought of her. After that, Jason toys around the ship with alien weapons and thinking Starfire loves Dick as much as he hated Dick. He then started thinking about the things he had done, always finding a way to kill other people and how far he ignore Ducra's teachings. So, he went to talk to Starfire

This scene also shows how smart and not a bimbo Starfire is. This shows her "guru" side by giving great advice that she appreciate the past but does not live in the past. She tells Jason that some people sees her as a walking nuclear reactor but she releases her powers in good use but the anger that boils in Jason's heart will destroy him if he keeps lock up inside his heart forever. Then, they hug. Which is a real touching moments, I guess but one thing is bugging me is how  does Jason sees himself as a space kitty ???

I'm not sure about this part...Looks like Jason has mixed feelings about the difference between friendship and love-ship....Anyway, after Starfire took a dip in the sea, Jason was going through the internet that Roy Harper will be sentence to death in Qurac. That's when he and Starfire saves Roy's butt by Jason dressing up as a fat priest which was kinda hilarious especially Jason still wears the bottom bit of the android priest. I don't really like Jason's face at the last page...Looks kinda weird and creepy

Last But Not Least Faces Of Jason...

 This totally cracks me up ! He said "Where are my pants ?!" TWICE !

Seems like another episode of Lost....

This is the kind of face he doesn't normally do...

This one is probably my favorite (so far) !!!!! ^_^ 

This is a really great issue not only it's like a slap in the face to the critics to the comics but the fans of RHATO & Jason & Starfire where very happy with the results of the series. So, if you look around other internet reviews of this issue most of them have high marks, points and even full stars from other critics because it was enjoyable to read despite there is nothing spectacular happen like big fighting scenes or etc...but it was great ! Funny ! Entertaining ! So, to my opinion I'll give this issue

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